Sunday, March 30, 2008

96/97 童军的点点滴滴。。回味无穷。。。。

The Legend of bremuda campfire 1996 SMJK Krian Scout
the backdrop high is 3 storey high.. build up by bamboo and

be judge at Kem Latihan...
The member of SMJK Krian Scout 96/97 so proud we
are the top troop in Krian ...but now haiz.....

Proud to annouce we are the top troop among all the unit
uniform for 3 year.....

Expendisi for Lencana Tertinggi with X scout troop
at Penang Hill....
good memory the tiang bendera we build
every saturday meeting...
scout member 96/97... many ppl lor

scout member 96/97... many ppl lor
Kem Latihan 1997... with all the scout member
SMJK hua liang Campfire 1996 just form 1 & form 2 scout
Overall champion at Girl Guide Gathering SMJK Krian
Overall Champion at SMJK Hua Lian 1996 ...


ck1972 said...

啊~kenqi 真的愛死你了.(但我不是同性戀)
吉輦離校童軍最棒! ^_^
all the best !

jimkhor said...

i feel like dying when i saw my own photo.. like dono how many years ago.. damn it.. but.. priceless.. haha

Unknown said...

of course is priceless... don't forget u still have many in my side... give me some time i will post here one when i finish scan ..
hahahaha bravo

XinKun said...

COOL MAN~~~!!!
So happy that there are so MANY seniors who have the same kind of enthusiasm and spirit in scouting!!!!

Sue NG said...


ALL the OLD memories were just pop up in my mind.

I still remember the mask. WE (all of us, but not so ALL) did it overnight rite?

Hmmm.... DAMP memorable la...

I thought bout the funny tale happened to Su How, Chui Pying...etc...

Good One..